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Community Links is the leading provider of respite services for children and youth in Mississippi.

The Respite Connection (TRC) Respite Survey
1. Overall, how satisitfied are you with C Links Respite activities?
2. How organized were the activities that you or your child participated in?
3. How much attention did the Respite Mentors give to meeting the needs of the children/youth?
4. Have you or your child (ren) ever participated in activities within a group setting?
5. Before this event, how familiar were you with the term “respite”?
6. In your opinion, how capable was the staff in giving you a clear picture of what respite care looks like in a group setting?
7. Are you interested in attending/participating in another Community Links event within your community?
8. Would you or your child(ren) be interested in receiving more information about Community Links respite care program?

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